Final Project and Reflection

These two pictures above is the pamphlet Kelly, Emily and I created to discuss the important points related to catheter-associated urinary tract infections. We used Canva a online website that provided a templet for a folding pamphlet. This website also allowed us to all work on in together in different locations. We all worked very well together to complete this project but, it was hard to cut down the information we had in our paper. We wanted to have concise and minimal information to not overwhelm the reader. With the limited about of time nurses have on their shift, we wanted to ensure they got all the important information to prevent CAUTI but we did not want to have a lengthy poster that nurses would just walk by. By providing a pamphlet it also would allow nurses to take them home to read at a later time or at their earliest convenience. Emily did most of the design for the pamphlet, but she wanted have a vibrate format to draw nurses and CNA’s in and want to read this information. By providing background facts, it allowed nurses to gain general information and to increase the awareness of CAUTIs. By giving a few important steps for maintaining the use of catheters it made this pamphlet appropriate for other health care professionals. We all felt it was important to include the steps of the sterile technique due to the fact that contamination is the main cause of CAUTIs. By breaking it down into 8 steps, it will hopefully simplify the sterile technique. This project was very difficult due to COVID. At the end of the semester I was in quarantine and in person class were finished. This presented a problem because we could not talk in person and share our ideas as easy as before. Being in quarantine for two weeks made it very difficult to communicate. I did email the educator but did not receive an answer.

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